By krweningNC State Physicist Awarded $1.8 Million for Research on Cell Division MIRA grant (Maximizing Investigators’ Research Award) from NIH’s National Institute of General Medical... |NC State
By krweningJuly saw three new papers from the Weninger Group: Hao, P., LeBlanc, S., Case, B.C., Elston, T.C., Hingorani, M.M., Erie, D.A., Weninger, K.R., “Recurrent mismatch... |NC State
By krweningCohesin SA1 and SA2 are RNA binding proteins that localize to RNA containing regions on DNA Hai Pan, Miao Jin, Ashwin Ghadiyaram, Parminder Kaur, Henry... |NC State
By krweningA paper from a collaboration between the Weninger and Sagui groups has appeared in Nucleic Acids Research “Dynamics of strand slippage in DNA hairpins formed... |NC State
By krweningTeam Led by NC State Biophysicist Awarded $1.2 Million to Develop Cyborg Cells A team led by Mary Williard Elting, an assistant professor in the Department of Physics, has... |NC State
By krweningDrs. Choi and Weninger published a paper that describes the spontaneous switching among conformational ensembles in intrinsically disordered proteins in the journal Biomolecules. |NC State
By krweningCongratulations to Dr. Pengyu Hao who defended his dissertation “Single Molecule Study of DNA Mismatch Repair” that was prepared under the direction of Dr. Weninger. |NC State
By krweningSharonda LeBlanc (and co-workers in weninger group) publish new paper on DNA MMR Coordinated protein and DNA conformational changes govern mismatch repair initiation by MutS... |NC State
By krweningNew review paper by Elting (getting good Twitter press) The Spindle: Integrating Architecture and Mechanics across Scales Elting, Suresh, Dumont TRENDS IN CELL BIOLOGY (2018)... |NC State
By krweningWeninger Group paper in Nature Methods: A worldwide study involving 20 laboratories has established and standardized a method to measure exact distances within individual biomolecules,... |Event
By krweningThe 11th Carolina Biophysics Symposium will be on October 25th and 26th, 2018 at the Carolina Inn in Chapel Hill, NC. This year’s meeting will...